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P.C. Shakti

 Contact address

Shakti P. C. (ピー シー シャクティ)
3-1, Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0006
Storm, Flood, and Landslide Research Department
National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience

 Researcher information




2023- : Chief Expert Researcher, NIED
2013-2022: Research Fellow, NIED
2010-2013: PhD in Geoenvironmental Science, University of Tsukuba, Japan
2007-2009: Master in Water Resource Engineering, Katholieke Universiteit, Belgium

 PEER-REVIEWED/Research Articles

~~~~[Contribution: 22 as first author, 7 as co-author]~~~~

  • P.C. Shakti, Hirano Kohin, Iwanami Koyuru. 2023. Developing flood risk zones during an extreme rain event from the perspective of social insurance management. "Sustainability" 15(6), [DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/su15064909].

  • P.C. Shakti, Miyamoto Mamoru, Kakinuma Daiki, Misumi Ryohei, Sriariyawat Anurak, Visessri Supattra. 2022. Probable flood inundation depth and extent in the Chao Phraya River Basin for different return periods. "Journal of Disaster Research" 17(6), [DOI: https://doi.org/10.20965/jdr.2022.p0901].

  • Sriariyawat Anurak, Kimmany Bounhome, Miyamoto Mamoru, Kakinuma Daiki, P.C. Shakti, Visessri Supattra. 2022. An approach of flood hazard mapping for the Chao Phraya River Basin using Rainfall-Runoff-Inundation model. "Journal of Disaster Research" 17(6), [DOI: https://doi.org/10.20965/jdr.2022.p0864].

  • Talchabhadel R, Ghimire GR, Sharma S, Dahal P, Panthi J, Baniya R, Pudashine J, Thapa BR, P.C. Shakti, Parajuli B. 2021. Weather radar in Nepal: opportunities and challenges in a mountainous region. "Weather". [ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/wea.3994].

  • Hirano Kohin, P.C. Shakti, Iizuka Satoshi. 2021. Estimation and Field Investigation of Inundation Depth in Mito and Hitachiota Cities by Typhoon Hagibis 2019. "Major Disaster Survey Report of the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience" No. 58, 1-6. [DOI: http://doi.org/10.24732/NIED.00003339].

  • P.C. Shakti, Hirano Kohin, Iizuka Satoshi, Misumi Ryohei. 2020. Quick Exposure Assessment of Flood Inundation: A Case Study of Hitoyoshi City in Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan. "Research Report of the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience" No. 85, 1-11. [DOI: http://doi.org/10.24732/NIED.00002409].

  • P.C. Shakti, Miyamoto Mamoru, Misumi Ryohei, Nakamura Yousuke, Sriariyawat Anurak, Visessri Supattra, Kakinuma Daiki. 2020. Assessing Flood Risk of the Chao Phraya River Basin Based on Statistical Rainfall Analysis. "Journal of Disaster Research" 15(7), 1025-1039. [DOI: https://doi.org/10.20965/jdr.2020.p1025].

  • P.C. Shakti, Hirano Kohin, Iizuka Satoshi. 2020. Flood Inundation Mapping of the Hitachi Region in the Kuji River Basin, Japan, During the October 11–13, 2019 Extreme Rain Event. "Journal of Disaster Research" 15(6): 712-725. [DOI: https://doi.org/10.20965/jdr.2020.p0712].

  • P.C. Shakti, Kamimera Hideyuki, Misumi Ryohei. 2020. Inundation Analysis of the Oda River Basin in Japan during the Flood Event of 6–7 July 2018 Utilizing Local and Global Hydrographic Data. "Water" 12(4), 1005. [DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/w12041005].

  • Maki Masayuki, Suzuki Ikuko, Iguchi Masato, P.C. Shakti. 2019. Quantitative Volcanic Ash Fall Estimation by Weather Radar -Z-RA Relationship for the Sakurajima Eruption of August 18, 2013-( in Japanese). "Volcano (火山)", 64(4), 219-241. [DOI:https://doi.org/10.18940/kazan.64.4_219].

  • P.C. Shakti, Nakatani Tsuyoshi, Misumi Ryohei. 2019. The role of the spatial distribution of radar rainfall on hydrological modeling for an urbanized river basin in Japan. "Water" 11(8): 1703. [DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/w11081703].

  • P.C. Shakti, Nakatani Tsuyoshi, Misumi Ryohei. 2018. Analysis of flood inundation in ungauged mountainous river basins: a case study of an extreme rain event on 5–6 July 2017 in northern Kyushu, Japan. "Journal of Disaster Research" 13: 860-872. [DOI: https://doi.org/10.20965/jdr.2018.p0860].

  • P.C. Shakti, Nakatani Tsuyoshi, Misumi Ryohei. 2018. Hydrological simulation of small river basins in northern Kyushu, Japan, during the extreme rainfall event of July 5–6, 2017. "Journal of Disaster Research" 13: 396-409. [DOI: https://doi.org/10.20965/jdr.2018.p0396].

  • P.C. Shakti, Maki Masayuki. 2017. Challenges in estimating Quantitative Precipitation Estimation (QPE) using weather radar observation over the mountainous country of Nepal. "Hydro Nepal: Journal of Water, Energy & Environment" 21: 50-59. [DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3126/hn.v21i0.17822].

  • P.C. Shakti, Misumi Ryohei, Nakatani Tsuyoshi, Iwanami Koyuru, Maki Masayuki, Maesaka Takeshi, Hirano Kohin. 2016. Accuracy of quantitative precipitation estimation using operational weather radars: a case study of heavy rainfall on 9?10 September 2015 in the East Kanto Region, Japan. "Journal of Disaster Research" 11: 1003-1016. [DOI: https://doi.org/10.20965/jdr.2016.p1003].

  • P.C. Shakti, Misumi Ryohei, Nakatani Tsuyoshi, Iwanami Koyuru, Maki Masayuki, Seed W Alan, Hirano Kohin. 2015. Comparison of rainfall nowcasting derived from the STEPS model and JMA precipitation nowcasts. "Hydrological Research Letters" 9: 54-60. [DOI: http://doi.org/10.3178/hrl.9.54].

  • P.C. Shakti, Maki Masayuki. 2014. Application of a modified digital elevation model method to correct radar reflectivity of X-band dual-polarization radars in mountainous regions. "Hydrological Research Letters" 8: 77-83. [DOI: http://doi.org/10.3178/hrl.8.77].

  • P.C. Shakti, Maki Masayuki, Shimizu Shingo, Maesaka Takeshi, Kim DS, Lee DI, Iida H. 2013. Correction of reflectivity in the presence of partial beam blockage over a mountainous region using X-band dual polarization radar. "Journal of Hydrometeorology" 14: 744-764. [DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JHM-D-12-077.1].

  • Maki Masayuki, Maesaka Takeshi, Shimizu Shingo, Hirano Kohin, P.C. Shakti. 2013. Retrieval of Three-Dimensional Distribution of Rain and Wind from X-ban MP Radar Network (in Japanese). "River (河川)",10, 18-25.

  • Shrestha NK, P.C. Shakti, Gurung P. 2010. Calibration and validation of SWAT model for low lying watershed: A case study on Kliene Nete Watershed, Belgium. "Hydro Nepal: Journal of Water, Energy & Environment", 6: 47-51. [DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3126/hn.v6i0.4194].

  • P.C. Shakti. Flash flood due to glacier lake outburst floods in the mountainous region of Nepal: a case study of Kawache Glacier Lake Outburst Flood. 2009. In: Jan Feyen, Kelly Shannon, Matthew Neville (editors), Water and Urban Development Paradigm, Taylor and Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-0-415-48334-6, pp.329-335.


  • P.C. Shakti, Sawazaki Kaoru. 2023. Estimation of river discharge using NIED Hi-net data during flooding event: a case study for Typhoon Hagibis, 2019. Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources, OP-8-02. [ https://doi.org/10.11520/jshwr.36.0_412].

  • P.C. Shakti, K. Hirano, S. Iizuka. 2021. Comparative analysis of flood inundation mapping products in small areas . Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources, OP-9-07.

  • Rocky Talchabhadel, Ganesh R Ghimire, Sanjib Sharma, Piyush Dahal, Jeeban Panthi, Rupesh Baniya, Jayaram Pudashine, Bhesh Raj Thapa, P.C. Shakti, Binod Parajuli. 2020. Weather Radar in Nepal: Opportunities and Challenges in Mountainous Region, [https://arxiv.org/abs/2010.06501].

  • P.C. Shakti, and H. Kamimera. 2019. Flooding in Oda river basin during torrential rainfall event in July 2018. THA 2019 Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, pp 1-6.

  • P.C. Shakti, T. Nakatani, R. Misumi. 2018. Hydrological simulation of mountainous ungauged small river basins: a case study of heavy rainfall event of 5-6 July 2017 in northern Kyushu, Japan. Proceedings of 2018 annual conference, Japan society of hydrology and water resources, pp 124-125.

  • P.C. Shakti, T. Nakatani, R. Misumi, K. Iwanami, K. Hirano. 2017. The significance of spatial resolution of rainfall data on hydrological modeling of urbanized basin. Proceedings of 2017 annual conference, Japan society of hydrology and water resources, pp 204-205.

  • P.C. Shakti, T. Nakatani, R. Misumi, K. Iwanami, K. Hirano. M Maki. 2016. Runoff modeling for river basins in Japan using HEC-HMS. Proceedings of 2016 annual conference, Japan society of hydrology and water resources, pp 104-105.

  • P.C. Shakti, M. Maki, S. Shimizu, T. Maesaka, D-S. Kim, D-I. Lee, H. Iida. 2012. Rainfall estimation in mountainous regions using X-band polarimetric weather radar. ERAD 2012 Conference, Toulouse, France, pp 1-6.

  • P.C. Shakti, M. Maki, S. Shimizu. 2011. Statistical relationship between topography and distribution of summer precipitation in the Kanto region, Japan. Proceeding of MCSs and High-Impact Weather in East Asia (ICMCS-VIII), Nagoya, Japan, pp. 128-132.

  • P.C. Shakti, M. Maki, R. Misumi, S. Shimizu, T. Maesaka. 2011. Correction of reflectivity in the case of partial beam blockage over the mountain area. Proceedings of 2011 annual conference, Japan society of hydrology and water resources, Kyoto, Japan, pp. 176-177.


  • P.C. Shakti, Sawazaki Kaoru. 2023. Estimating river discharge in mountainous river basins using high-sensitivity seismometers during extreme rain events. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco USA, 11-15 Deccember 2023.

  • S. Visessri, A. Sriariyawa, M. Miyamoto, D. Kakinuma, P.C. Shakti, Y. Nakamura, S. Numata. 2023. Flood resilience enhancement in Thailand through the SATREPS: Area-BCM project and systematic review of flood management. The 9th International Conference on Flood Management (ICFM9) February 18-22, 2023 Tsukuba, Japan.

  • P.C. Shakti, K. Hirano, S. Iizuka. 2023. Flood inundation mapping of river basins during extreme rain events. The 9th International Conference on Flood Management (ICFM9) February 18-22, 2023 Tsukuba, Japan.

  • K. Hirano, P.C. Shakti, S. Iizuka. 2023. On the possibility of near real-time flood inundation mapping with social network information. The 9th International Conference on Flood Management (ICFM9) February 18-22, 2023 Tsukuba, Japan.

  • P.C. Shakti, Sawazaki Kaoru. 2022. An approach for predicting river discharge during heavy rain events using seismic noise data in ungauged mountainous river basins. AGU Fall Meeting, Online, 12-16 Deccember 2022.

  • P.C. Shakti, K. Hirano, S. Iizuka. 2022. An assessment of quick flood inundation mapping product for better disaster management. The 12th International Conference of the International Society for the INTEGRATED DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT (IDRiM2022), Online conference, 21-23 September 2022.

  • K. Hirano, P.C. Shakti, S. Iizuka. 2022. Interactive WebGIS tool for immediate estimation of flood inundation. The 12th International Conference of the International Society for the INTEGRATED DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT (IDRiM2022), Online conference, 21-23 September 2022.

  • S. Visessri, B. Kimmany, M. Miyamoto, D. Kakinuma, P.C. Shakti, A. Sriariyawat. 2022. Developing flood hazard map of the Chao Phraya River Basin using Rainfall-runoff-inundation model. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 2022, 19th Annual Meeting, Aug 3.

  • Sawazaki Kaoru, P.C. Shakti. 2021 河川が引き起こす振動記録を⽤いた流量予測に向けての検討. Annual conference of Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources, Online, Sep 15-18, 2021.

  • P.C. Shakti, M. Miyamoto, R. Misumi, Y. Nakamura, S. Anurak, V. Supattra, D. Kakinuma. 2021. Rainfall frequency analysis of the Chao Phraya River Basin for flood disaster management. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 2021, 18th Annual Meeting, Aug 4.

  • P.C. Shakti, Kaoru Sawazaki. 2021. River discharge estimation of ungauged mountainous river basin using NIED Hi-net data. Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2021, May 30-June 6, 2021.

  • Kaoru Sawazaki, P.C. Shakti. 2021. On the relationship between the streamflow due to snowmelt flood and ambient seismic noise observed by Hi-net stations. Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2021, May 30-June 6, 2021.

  • P.C. Shakti, H. Kamimera, R. Misumi. 2019. Hydrological simulation of Oda river basin, Japan, during the heavy rainfall event of July 6-7, 2018. 8th Asia Pacific Association of Hydrology and Water Resources (APHW) International Conference, 21-23 November 2019, IIT Roorkee, India.

  • P.C. Shakti, T. Nakatani, R. Misumi. 2019. Effect of spatial resolution of radar rainfall on hydrological simulation of urbanized river basin in Japan. 39th International Conference on Radar Meteorology, 16-20 September 2019, Nara, Japan.

  • P.C. Shakti, T. Nakatani, R. Misumi. 2018. Rainfall runoff simulation of small ungauged mountainous river basins: a case study of heavy rain event on5-6 July 2017 over the Kyushu region. Japan Meteorological Society Spring meeting, 16-19 May, 2018, Tsukuba, Japan.

  • P.C. Shakti, T. Nakatani, R. Misumi, K. Iwanami, K. Hirano, and M. Maki. 2017. Effect of spatial resolution of rainfall on runoff modeling in urbanized basins: A case study of the Tsurumi river basin, Japan. Japan Geoscience Union Meeting, 22-25 May 2017, Makuhari Messe, Japan.

  • P.C. Shakti, T. Nakatani, R. Misumi, K. Iwanami, M. Maki, T Maesaka and K. Hirano. 2016. Spatial and temporal distribution of heavy rainfall during 9-10 September 2015 in East Kanto region, Japan. Japan Geoscience Union Meeting, 22-26 May 2016, Makuhari Messe, Japan.

  • P.C. Shakti, R. Misumi, T. Nakatani, K. Iwanami, and K. Hirano. 2016. Rainfall runoff modeling using high resolution radar rainfall data. Third International Workshop on Tokyo Metropolitan Area Convection Study for Extreme Weather Resilient Cities (TOMACS/RDP), 4-5 Feb, 2016, Tokyo, Japan.

  • P.C. Shakti, R. Misumi, T. Nakatani, M. Maki, K. Iwanami and A. Seed. Comparison of rainfall nowcasting derived from STEPS model and JMA forecast datasets. Second International Workshop on Tokyo Metropolitan Area Convectoin Study for Extreme Weather Resilient Cities (TOMACS/RDP), 26-27 November, 2014, Tokyo, Japan.

  • P.C. Shakti, R. Misumi, T. Nakatani, M. Maki, and A. Seed. Nowcasting of Rainfall over the Kanto Region, Japan using Short Term Ensemble Prediction System (STEPS). JMA Spring meeting, 21-24 May, 2014, Yokohama, Japan.

  • P.C. Shakti, R. Misumi, T. Nakatani, M. Maki, and A. Seed. An Ensemble Nowcasting of Rainfall over the Kanto Region, Japan. Japan Geoscience Union Meeting, 28 April ? 2 May, 2014, Yokohama, Japan.

  • M. Maki, K. Hirano, P.C. Shakti. X-band polarimetric radar and C-band conventional radar composite rainfall map with high spatio-temporal resolution. Japan Geoscience Union Meeting, 28 April ? 2 May, 2014, Yokohama, Japan.

  • P.C. Shakti, R. Misumi, T. Nakatani, M. Maki, and A. Seed. Short term ensemble forecasting of rainfall over Kanto region, Japan. First international workshop on Tokyo Metropolitan Area Convection Study for Extreme Weather Resilient Cities (TOMACS/RDP), December 4-5, 2013, MRI, Tsukuba, Japan.

  • P.C. Shakti, M. Maki and S. Shimizu. Modified DEM method to correct reflectivity under the partial beam blockage condition over the mountain area. International Workshop on X‐band Weather Radar, Delft, The Netherlands, 14th‐16th November 2011. pp 42.

  • Pokhrel, A. and P.C. Shakti. Variation of temperature and its effect on the water resources of Nepal. Climate Change: Global Risks, Challenges and Decisions 10-12 March 2009, Copenhagen, Denmark, pp.29.38, (available on IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 6, Issue 29, pp. 292057).


  • [Invited] Tsukuba Conference 2023 September 28, 2023. Title: Monitoring River Flow Utilizing High-Sensitivity Seismometers During Catastrophic Flood Events.

  • Annual conference of Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources September 6, 2023. Title: Estimation of river discharge using NIED Hi-net data during flooding event: a case study for Typhoon Hagibis, 2019.

  • Annual conference of Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources September 6, 2023. Title: Statistical analysis of water level records and Hi-net seismometer noise records during the 2019 East Japan Typhoon (First Author/Presenter: Kaoru Sawazaki).

  • IUGG General Assembly 2023 July 19, 2023. Title:The relationships between seismic noise energy excited by a streamflow and water level revealed from spectral analysis of Hi-net seismograms (First Author/Presenter: Kaoru Sawazaki).

  • The 2nd Workshop between National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction of Taiwan (NCDR) and National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience of Japan (NIED) March 20, 2023. Title: An approach for predicting river discharge during heavy rain events using seismic noise data.

  • The 9th International Conference on Flood Management (ICFM9) February 19, 2023. Title: Flood resilience enhancement in Thailand through the SATREPS: Area-BCM project and systematic review of flood management (First Author/Presenter: Supattra Visessri).

  • The 9th International Conference on Flood Management (ICFM9) February 19, 2023. Title: Flood inundation mapping of river basins during extreme rain events.

  • The 9th International Conference on Flood Management (ICFM9) February 19, 2023. Title: On the possibility of near real-time flood inundation mapping with social network information (First Author/Presenter: Kohin Hirano).

  • [Penalist] Tsukuba Global Science Week (TGSW2022), September 28 2022 Title: Enhancing flood resilience and adaptation for future climate change.

  • The 12th International Conference of the International Society for the INTEGRATED DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT (IDRiM2022), Online conference, September 23 2022 Title: An assessment of quick flood inundation mapping product for better disaster management.

  • Annual conference of Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources, Online, Sep 17, 2021 Title: Comparative analysis of flood inundation mapping products in small areas.

  • Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 2021, 18th Annual Meeting, Aug 4, 2021 Title: Rainfall Frequency analysis of the Chao Phraya River Basin for flood disaster management.

  • [Invited] Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2021, May 30-June 6, 2021 Title: River discharge estimation of ungauged mountainous river basin using NIED Hi-net data.

  • 8th Asia Pacific Association of Hydrology and Water Resources (APH) International Conference, 21-23 November 2019, IIT Roorkee, India. Title: Hydrological simulation of Oda river basin, Japan, during the heavy rainfall event of July 6-7, 2018.

  • THA 2019 International Conference on "Water Management and Climate Change Towards Asia's Water-Energy-Food Nexus and SDGs", Bangkok, Thailand , January 23 - 25, 2019. Title: Flooding in Oda river basin during torrential rainfall event in July 2018.

  • Joint–workshop on weather radar between WRC and NIED, 28-29 Nov, 2018, Seoul, Republic of Korea. Title: Rainfall runoff modeling using X-band polarimetric radar network (XRAIN): a case study of heavy rain event on 5-6 July 2017 over the Kyushu region, Japan.

  • [Invited] Japan Meteorological Society Spring meeting, 16-19 May, 2018, Tsukuba, Japan. Title:Rainfall runoff simulation of small ungauged mountainous river basins: a case study of heavy rain event on5-6 July 2017 over the Kyushu region.

  • Japan Geoscience Union Meeting, 22-25 May 2017, Makuhari Messe, Japan. Title: Effect of spatial resolution of rainfall on runoff modeling in urbanized basins: A case study of the Tsurumi river basin, Japan.

  • Annual Conference of Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources, 15-17 Sep 2016, Fukushima, Japan. Title: Runoff modeling for river basins in Japan using HEC-HMS.

  • [Invited] Japan Geoscience Union Meeting, 22-26 May 2016, Makuhari Messe, Japan. Title: Spatial and temporal distribution of heavy rainfall during 9-10 September 2015 in East Kanto region, Japan.

  • Third International Workshop on Tokyo Metropolitan Area Convection Study for Extreme Weather Resilient Cities (TOMACS/RDP), 4-5 Feb, 2016, Tokyo, Japan. Title: Rainfall runoff modeling using high resolution radar rainfall data.

  • Second International Workshop on Tokyo Metropolitan Area Convectoin Study for Extreme Weather Resilient Cities (TOMACS/RDP), 26-27 November, 2014, Tokyo, Japan. Title: Comparison of rainfall nowcasting derived from STEPS model and JMA forecast datasets.

  • Japan Meteorological Society Spring meeting, 21-24 May, 2014, Yokohama, Japan. Title: Nowcasting of Rainfall over the Kanto Region, Japan using Short Term Ensemble Prediction System (STEPS).

  • 戦略推進費「極端気象」課題1, March 15 2013, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Environmental Sciences, Tokyo, Japan. Title: Partial Beam Blockage Correction of Reflectivity Profile using Modified DEM Method.

  • 気候変動に伴う極端気象に強い都市 課題1「稠密観測による極端気象のメカニズム解明」研究会. March 14 2014, Seikei University, Tokyo, Japan. Title: Broad utility of the modified DEM method in the presence of partial beam blockage.

  • First international workshop on Tokyo Metropolitan Area Convection Study for Extreme Weather Resilient Cities (TOMACS/RDP), December 4-5, 2013, MRI, Tsukuba, Japan. Title: Short term ensemble forecasting of rainfall over Kanto region, Japan.

  • 7th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology,25 June-29 June 2012, Toulouse, France. Title: Rainfall estimation in mountainous regions using X-band polarimetric weather radar.

  • International workshop on X-band weather radar, Delft, The Netherlands, 14-16th November 2011. Title: Modified DEM method to correct reflectivity under the partial beam blockage condition over the mountain area.

  • Conference on MCSs and High-Impact Weather in East Asia (ICMCS-VIII), 7-9 March 2011, Nagoya, Japan. Title: Statistical relationship between topography and distribution of summer precipitation in the Kanto region, Japan.


  • AGU Fall Meeting, Online, December 12 2023. Title: Estimating river discharge in mountainous river basins using high-sensitivity seismometers during extreme rain events.

  • Esri User Conference 2023 July 8, 2023. Title: Quick Exposure Assessment of Flood Inundation during Extreme Rain Events.

  • AGU Fall Meeting, Online, December 15 2022. Title: An approach for predicting river discharge during heavy rain events using seismic noise data in ungauged mountainous river basins.

  • Annual conference of Japan society of hydrology and water resources, Online, Sep 16, 2021. Title: 河川が引き起こす振動記録を⽤いた流量予測に向けての検討 (First Author/Presenter: 澤崎 郁).

  • 39th International Conference on Radar Meteorology, 16-20 September 2019, Nara, Japan. Title: Effect of spatial resolution of radar rainfall on hydrological simulation of urbanized river basin in Japan.

  • SIP豪雨竜巻運営委員会全体会合. 20 March 2019. Tokyo, Japan. Title: Preliminary hydrological analysis of Oda river basin in western Japan during the heavy rainfall event of 5-6 July 2018.

  • The International Symposium on Frontier of Science Technology and Engineering, 19-22 November 2018, Chiang Mai, Thailand. Title: Area-Business Continuity Management towards smart city: a conceptual plan (First Author/Presenter: Natt Leelawat).

  • 16回環境研究シンポジウムポ, 13 November 2018, Tokyo, Japan. Title: 平成30年7月豪雨による高梁川水系小田川の洪水と浸水 (First Author/Presenter: 上米良秀行).

  • Annual conference of Japan society of hydrology and water resources, 12-14 September, 2018, Mei, Japan. Title: Hydrological simulation of mountainous ungauged small river basins: a case study of heavy rainfall event of 5-6 July 2017 in northern Kyushu, Japan.

  • SIP豪雨竜巻研究交流会. 29 March 2018. Tokyo, Japan. Title: Hydrological simulation of small ungauged river basins in northern Kyushu during the heavy rainfall event of 5-6 July 2017.

  • Annual conference of Japan society of hydrology and water resources, 19-21 September, 2017, Kitami, Japan. Title: The significance of spatial resolution of rainfall data on hydrological modeling of urbanized basin.

  • 公開講座., 3 November 2015. Tokyo, Japan. Title: Flood disasters in the world (世界の洪水災害).

  • SIP豪雨竜巻全体会合. 2 October 2015. NIED. Tsukuba, Japan. Title: Rainfall Nowcasting Using the STEPS Model and Comparison with JMA Nowcasts.

  • 防災科学技術研究所 第11回成果発表会, 2015. Title: 局地的豪雨による都市水害のリアルタイム予測手法開発 (First Author/Presenter: 中谷剛).

  • 防災科学技術研究所 第11回成果発表会, 2015. Title: 平成27年9月関東・東北豪雨をもたらした降水系の特徴 (First Author/Presenter: 三隅良平).

  • Annual Japan Geoscience Union Meeting, 28 April ? 2 May, 2014, Yokohama, Japan. Title: An Ensemble Nowcasting of Rainfall over the Kanto Region, Japan.

  • Annual Japan Geoscience Union Meeting, 28 April ? 2 May, 2014, Yokohama, Japan. Title: X-band polarimetric radar and C-band conventional radar composite rainfall map with high spatio-temporal resolution (First Author: M. Maki).

  • International Weather Radar and Hydrology symposium (WRaH), 7 - 9 April 2014, Washington, USA. Title: Inter-comparison of corrected radar reflectivity in the presence of partial beam blockage over a mountainous region.

  • Annual conference of Japan society of hydrology and water resources, 31 August - 1 September, 2011, Kyoto, Japan. Title: Correction of reflectivity in the case of partial beam blockage over the mountain area.


  • Collaborative meeting/discussion with Central Dpeartment of Hydrology and Meteorology (CDHM), Tribhuvan University, 24-26 March 2024, Kathmandu, Nepal.

  • Collaborative online meeting with team of FEMA, USA, 9 September, 2023

  • Collaborative discussion on water resources management using remote sensing and international cooperation with Researchers (Drs Daeyun Shin, Chul-ho Jang, and Se-hwan Yu), Korea Water Resource Cooperation(K-water), 17 Nov 2016, NIED, Tsukuba, Japan.

  • Collaborative research meeting on QPE and nowcasting with M. Maki, Kagoshima University, 15-21 April, 2014, Kagoshima, Japan.

  • Collaborative research meeting on nowcasting with M. Maki, Kagoshima University, 4-14 July 2014, Kagoshima, Japan.

  • Collaborative research meeting on Hydrological model with Hokkaido University, 7-8 October 2014, Hokkaido, Japan.

  • Collaborative research seminar on Correction of reflectivity in the presence of partial beam blockage over a mountainous region using X-band dual polarization radar with Prof. Dong-In Lee, Pukyoung National University, 29 Oct-O1 Nov 2013, Busan, Korea.